What is Psychotherapy? What Is Psychotherapy? Psychotherapy and Counselling are processes which can be extremely helpful in dealing with a range of conditions Anxiety, Depression, Addiction, Obsessive Compulsive Behaviour. Relationship Difficulties, problems of a Sexual Nature can all be addressed in Psychotherapy
People sometimes come to psychotherapy because they are in a crisis, equally many people come just because they feel they are not realising their full potential, Engaging with the process can also be a way of achieving personal growth. The number of usually 50-minute sessions with the therapist will vary depending on the presenting problems.
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The psychoanalytical approach The sessions are likely to take place once or more each week, and during the session the therapist and patient will together set about unravelling those locked away feelings which may have been buried since childhood. Working through these feelings and even remembering them can sometimes be fearful and difficult, but ultimately part of a rewarding and healing process. Our experiences in childhood have shaped us as adults. Some of these experiences will not have been beneficial and may have resulted in use of inappropriate coping methods or defences that may not be working so well in our lives now.
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The Psychodynamic Counselling Approach This approach may well be less intense and may focus on the here and now and is one where the therapist will be more engaged in a therapeutic dialogue.
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What to expect during Psychotherapy There will be the initial consultation where you have the opportunity to discuss fully with the therapist your concerns and decide together on a treatment plan. As the patient you can make use of a supportive environment to explore the specific difficulties for which you seek Psychotherapy and address any questions you may have. Between us we would be able to determine the best way to proceed
The aim of the Psychotherapy is to attend to the difficulties which brought you to therapy in a confidential and focused environment. To get the most from This process it will benefit you if you are able to speak openly, honestly and reflect on what comes to the fore.
As a United Kingdom Counselling and Psychotherapy (UKCP) Registered Psychoanalytical Psychotherapist, I am highly trained and experienced in using both the Psychoanalytic and Psychodynamic approaches to assist people and to help them work through their difficulties.
Get in Touch If you would like to discuss your requirements, please call for FREE using the 'Click to Call' feature on this website, or alternatively, please click here to make an online enquiry today.